06 Noli-Varazze

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06 Noli - Varazze

(GPS) 06 Noli -Varazze
(Google Earth) 06 Noli-Varazze

Stage:  Noli – Varazze   28,100km – Time:  7h15 – Difficulty: easy

After leaving S. Paragorio, we skirt the medieval bridge, we continue on “Via Cesare Mario” up to the “Porta di Piazza”, we cross it and then turn right, we walk under the arcades under the “Logge della Repubblica Nolese” to arrive in “Piazza Dante”. Here we take “Via al Castello”, past the cemented stairs  (on the left medieval tower), cross the road to take on the right the cobbled stairway that leads to the Bishopric: (road-signs: (4) red dot red line). We go on passing a building and a small and valuable church N.S. delle Grazie where we can enjoy a beautiful view over the Gulf of Noli, passing under an arch go away in “Via del Cimitero”. We continue on broad cobblestone path, arriving at a small chapel dedicated to “Nostra Signora Addolorata”; passing near the cemetery, we continue the way on the small path to the right until we reach the paved road, going on until we  arrive in the ”Regione Chiarimenti”. We continue on gravel to a small private yard with free access and go up a narrow path between the gardens, until we reach on asphalt “Via dei Pini” by steps  leading to the entrance of Spotorno  near “Hotel Tripodoro”. We continue on the left, past the pizzeria “Puerta del Sol” and take a white road on the right, even if it’s blocked, which leads us to the river “Crovetto”, we wade it  and arriving on the other side turn left. We cross the underpass and turn right into”Via Lombardia”,” Via Berninzoni”, then we reach on the left “Via Laiolo” and after about 30 meters we take on the right the staircase “Via Cincinnnato” that joins to the left “Via Antica Romana” (road-sign: red X), the first stretch is paved and then dirt road and slope. At the fork to Mount Mao we leave the road-sign: X and continue straight on dirt road that runs parallel to the coast (road-signs: three red balls). We continue uphill on the path, advancing towards the disused  roman quarry, which is higher than the path through the little valley, we reach a white road. We turn left uphill past a panel explaining the area, after 100 meters we will reach the gorge of Sant’ Elena that is downhill on paved road, we go along on the right down;  after several bends, we past the sign of Bergeggi, go straight upward; after reaching a road joined on the right, continue downward on the paved road entering into the woods (you can see on the left the Vado tall chimney and the sea); after some curves, at a cross roads take the white road on the left, then immediately turn left; the small road is identified by a big stone which avoid the transit of cars and motobykes (road-sign: X red); we travel downhill on the small road surrounded by Mediterranean pines for about 800 mt, until another big stone is encountered; continue on the right on a white downward road; after reaching a white barrier turn on the right following a downward paved road; cross the highway under the viaduct; turn right, then on the left and again on the left  into “Via E. De Litta” (fountain), which is a straight line that goes in “Via La Braja”;  we are at Vado, come to the end of the road turn right into Via Trieste, then turn left in “Via Aurelia” which you ride on the sidewalk to the left until you reach after 1,4 km the height of the Peugeot dealership, turn left in Via Leopardi and continue across the medieval bridge “de Pria”, turn right into “Via Quiliano”, pass the church of Santo Spirito and we will reach the “Via Aurelia”, that leads in Savona. At the entrance of the city, we take on the left “Via Saredo”, continue left in “Via F. Burniquez” passing under the railway bridge, turn right into “Via Servettaz,” cross “Corso Benech” continue “Via E. De Amicis”, cross the bridge over “torrent Le Timbro”, follow “Via L. Corsi”, turn left into “Corso Italia”, turn right into” Via Verzellino” and, turning left, you are in front of the Cathedral of Assunzione. Continue along “Via A. Aonzo” (fountain) and continue right into “Via P. Paleocapa”, all arcades, to the medieval tower of the port (fountain). We  turn left towards the east in “Lungomare Matteotti”, which is left on the right taking the “Passeggiata degli Artisti”, so called why the floor is defined as consisting of works of art in turn. We are in Albissola Marina. We go past the bridge on “river Sansobbia” and continue on the walk E. Montale (fountains) along the old village of Albisola Superiore; we arrive at the former railroad tunnel, we walk along it and at the exit we go up stairs to the “Via Aurelia”. We turn right and down the sidewalk to get in Celle Ligure. Arriving there, we leave the “Via Aurelia” to the right on stairs (public baths) and continue on the “Lungomare Colombo”, passed on the left the church N.Signora della Consolazione we continue in “Lungomare della Crocetta” for about 300 mt; then we turn left crossing the “Via Aurelia”, we continue in “Via Genova”, we turn right on the route of the former railway and go along the Museum Gallery. To continue taking  on the left not the first steps but the second, then turn right on  the sidewalk to go to Varazze. Then take “Via Savona”, turn left in “Piazza XXIV Maggio”, arriving at the protect residence “Il Boschetto”, turn right and we are in the ancient town of Varazze,  we take “Via Luca Corsale” to reach the parish church of “Collegiata di Sant’Ambrogio” in the old center. (hospitality).

 N.B. The path sometimes coincides with the Mare-Monti marked with M and a yellow arrow: to follow only  yellow arrow with two-faced.


Savona: “Episcopal Seminary” (R) – località Villetta Via Leopoldo Ponzone, 5 – – notice is necessary – Credential obligatory – apply Mr. Moreno Vallarino – cell. +393492635128 seminario@diocesisavona.it – price to be agreed. — Convent of Frati Cappuccini (R) Via San Francesco D’Assisi, 16 – notice is necessary – Credential obligatory – apply Father Vittorio, Mr. Alfio e Mrs. Mary – tel. +39019827229 phoning in the morning – 50 beds – the price with sleeping bag is 18 € it includes dinner and breakfast – the price of 20 € it includes sheets, towels, dinner and breakfast. — Casa delle Giovane (R) – Via Rossello, 3 – notice is necessary – Credential obligatory – contact phone +39019812147only women – price to be agreed.

Distances and reference marks:  

 Noli-Vescovado                                                             km 0,325
Vescovado-Spotorno (albergo)                                       km1,600
Spotorno (albergo)-Scalinata Cincinnato                       km 1,500
Scalinata Cincinnato- biforcazione M.Mao                   km 0,614
biforcazione M.Mao- Gola S.Elena                                km2,300
Gola S.Elena- cartello Bergeggi                                     km0,619
cartello Bergeggi-1 scoglio                                            km1,200
1 scoglio-2 scoglio                                                         km0,730
2 scoglio-Via Litta                                                         km0,812
Via Litta- ponte a Vado                                                 km1,300
ponte a Vado- ponte medioevale Zinola                        km1,500
ponte medioevale Zinola- Via Saredo                          km 2,700
Via Saredo- Torre medioevale Savona                          km2,300
Torre medioevale Savona-Passaggiata degli artisti       km1,600
Passeggiata degli artisti- scaletta per Via Aurelia         km3,000
scaletta Via Aurelia-Celle N.S. della Consolazione     km 2,200
Celle N.S. della Consolazione – Varazze                     km 3,800
Totali      km 28,100                  

Please report possible problems or proposals of improvement of the itinerary, writing to calsilvdc@gmail.com – Thanks for your help.

The 12 proposed stages and described were been in the years by the authors that decline every responsibility around possible changes on the territory that can alter how much it has described.































































































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