




Welcome to the first website dedicated to the VIA DELLA COSTA: From Rome to Santiago de Compostela, pilgrims on the roads of Liguria, 348 km in 12 stages

“In search of himself: a path, the Cross for the Infinite.”

After five years’  search and checks on the territory, we have fullfilled our dream, that is a route linking the two great places of pilgrimage, Santiago de Compostela and Rome, by covering on foot and on days off the stretch  Ponte St. Ludovico – Sarzana. Moreover, since our Liguria is heavily built and tarred, we have  looked for paths and communications not far from the coast alternative to the Via Aurelia.  Ancient stretches of the Roman Way, sometime tarred sometimes cobbled, have been rediscovered. Medieval paths, ” crose” a typical little road in Liguria in the half of two walls among modern buildings, routes in greenery have given the chance to rediscover and live in a country which can still give strong emotions  because of its scenery and the charme of its ancient villages.  The deep spririt of this land can be caught in the lights, the perfumes, the art and work of our ancestors, all of which are preparatory elements to the aim of being a pilgrim.  We have not achieved this goal by ourselves, that is why we are gratefull to Franca Remotti from San Remo, our friends Rita and Italo Graziano  Paolo Revelli,  for their help and encouragement, Sandro Abbo for historical research,  St. James Brotherhaod from Perugia for their first push and acknowledgement of the route in the province of Imperia. In addition, our gratefull thanks to the province of Imperia and Ms. Sonia Zanella who has marked the Imperia stretch and last but not least, to all the reception points for their collaboration and confidence in this project. Our hope is that this activity will arouse Ligurian authorities sensitivitiy to follow the exsample of the Imperia province by completing the marking of the route in the whole region.

Anna Rocchi and Silvio Calcagno


 Reflections of a parish priest

A pilgrim’s credentials are in my hands and I am thinking about how everything started years ago,even before this parish chose “officially” to lodge pilgrims on the road towards Roma, Santiago de Compostela or along VIA DELLA COSTA.  Its was an evening some years ago, when a pilgrim asked for shelter: he slept on the floor of the parish hall.  Since then a lot has changed, certainly for the better: now everything is room with more “professionalism”, there is a cosy room and a shower.  However the spirit has not changed, the spirit which ought to animate every cristian, every priest: “I was ungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes…” (Matthew, 25, 35).   A big thank to Anna and Silvio who have always had this activity at hearth, and like many others look for themselves, on the road towards the Infinite.

Father Paolo, Sacred Family’s parish priest (Imperia)

Good way, ultreya, suseya


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